Wednesday 8 August 2012

Open letter to our MP about constitutional reform

During the last couple of weeks we have seen divisions open up withing the Coalition Government abouth the constitutional reforms going through parliament. Part of the Coalition Agreement included pledges by both David Cameron and Nick Clegg to 1) bring forward a plan to debate reform of the House of Lords and 2) to reduce the number of MP's to save money whilst equalising the size of constituencies to produce a level playing field.

Nick Clegg came forward with a plan to reform the House of Lords which generated considerable opposition across the political divide of both houses of parliament. The plan was debated but seemed doomed to be voted down in its current form. That said, all parties recognise the need to reform so it seems that a better thought out plan of reforms will come back at some stage.

The politically independent Boundary Commission have also come forward with the promised proposal to cut the number of MP's from 650 to 600 and redraw the constituency boundaries to equalise the size and create the level playing field. However this week we hear that Nick Clegg has gone back on his part of the deal and will not be supporting these plans when the vote goes before parliament. 

Whilst the proposed changes do away with some constituencies and heavily redraw a number of others, there are no changes to our own Eastbourne Constituency so I have written the attached open letter to our Lib-Dem MP, Stephen Lloyd to see where he stands on this important subject and I will keep readers of this blog along with my followers on Twitter & Facebook updated with my progress in getting a response.

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