Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Local action -all year round - whatever the weather

Unless you know your local Councillor well, the record of some elected representatives leads residents to believe that you only hear from politicians at election time. The advent of social media and blog sites means there is absolutely no excuse for residents not to know exactly what their representatives are doing all year round. I try to provide as much information about the things I do for residents, ranging from major campaigns, like that to upgrade the A27 which I have been working hard on recently, dealing with some of the smaller more local issues that matter like pot holes and overgrown shrubs creating eyesores (pictured below), live updates from Council meetings and issues of national and local interest.

You should also get access to your Councillors at the relevant Neighbourhood Panel which serves your area. I always make an effort to attend as many of these as possible and in Sovereign Ward we have three, 1) Sovereign Harbour, 2) Kings Park & Kingsmere and 3) Langney Point & St Anthony's. The Langney Point & St Anthony's panel straddles Conservative Sovereign and Lib-Dem St Anthony's wards but I am staggered that in the nearly two years since I returned to represent Sovereign Ward on the Borough Council, Lib Dem representatives from St Anthony's Ward have only attended two panel meetings - is it any wonder then that residents are crying out for positive change at this years County Council elections in the St Anthony's area?

The images below show garages in Leeds Avenue (next to the Lidl store) which were brought o my attention at the last Langney Point & St Anthony's Neighbourhood Panel. I reported this to the Difficult Property's Group on Eastbourne Borough Council and I am pleased to report that following my interventions, officers responded promptly and arranged clearance.

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