Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Sussex PCC gets jailed for charity – and needs your help to #getbailed

Katy Bourne, High Sheriffs of East and West Sussex, a former naval officer and magistrate in Brighton and president of the local St John Ambulance are among those participating in a charity event next week to support Sussex Crimestoppers and Sussex’s Old Police Cells Museum, based in Brighton.

Jail and Bail will see participants locked up in the Museum in the bowels of Brighton Town Hall on Tuesday March 19.

Katy Bourne said: “It is important that services like Crimestoppers and other local charities such as the Old Police Cells Museum are supported and I am delighted to be able to take part in this event. I am glad so many other local figures have also agreed to take part and I am looking forward to sharing a cell with them in the name of charity.”

People across Sussex are being asked to donate whatever they can spare and for every £500 raised, a single internee will be bailed with their liberty restored. Sussex Police Chief Constable Martin Richards and award winning crime novelist Peter James will be the first in – and the last out! Whilst incarcerated, the jailbirds will receive only bread and water.

Donations can made in a variety of ways:

• Via the Museum’s Just Giving site:
• Text BAIL13 £10 to 70070 to donate £10 to the Museum’s Just Giving Total
• Or send a cheque made payable to The Old Police Cells Museum to The Old Police Police Cells Museum, Brighton Town Hall, Bartholomews Square, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1JA.

Keep up to date with fundraising attempts via twitter by searching on #getbailed.

Participants in Jail and Bail include:

Andrewjohn Stephenson Clarke of Haywards Heath: High Sheriff of West Sussex 2012-13
David Allam DL High Sheriff of East Sussex 2012-13
Kathy Gore DL of Framfield: chair of The Friends of Sussex Hospices and Trustee of Sussex Community Foundation.
Peter Jukes OBE JP of Brighton: centenary president of the Rotary Club of Brighton and a former chairman of the Central Sussex Magistracy
Quenelda Avery of Ticehurst: President of St John Ambulance (Sussex) and former president of the British Red Cross (Sussex).
They will be joined by Sussex Chief Constable Martin Richards, Police and Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne, East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service’s Borough Commander for Brighton Mark Matthews and award winning crime novelist Dr Peter James. Brighton’s Deputy Mayor Cllr Anne Meadows completes the line-up of charitable internees.

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